Reiki - Universal Life Force

Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei meaning universal and ki meaning life force/energy, therefore Reiki means Universal life force. It is an ancient laying-on of hands technique that uses universal life force (energy) to heal and balance the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. The Reiki practitioner serves as a vessel that supplies healing energies where they are most needed. Reiki's ki-energies flow out of the practioner's body to heal, however Reiki never depletes you own personal energy.

Reiki can be practiced with the breath, eyes, hands and body. The intent of healing is what starts the flow of healing energy. Reiki can be used to heal anything from plants, to health, to situations, to relationships and the list goes on.

Receiving an attunement enables you to immediately become connected to the Universal Source of Ki and have the ability to do Reiki. Reiki can be practiced by anyone.

The Healing Properties of a Diamond

The Diamond is a symbol of purity. Its pure white light can help bring a sense of wholeness into your life. It bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity into a partnership. It is said to enhance the love of a husband for his wife, it is seen as a sign of commitment and fidelity.

Diamond has also been seen as a symbol of wealth for thousands of years and is one of the stones of manifestation, attracting abundance. The larger the Diamond, the more abundance there is. A large Diamond is also excellent for blocking electromagnetic stress and for protection against cell phones, there for they are great to wear as earings.

It is also considered to be an amplifier of energy. It is one of the few stones that never needs recharging. It increases the energy of whatever it comes in contact with and is very effective when used with other crystals for healing as it enhances their power. However, it can increase negative energy as well as positive energy. On a subtle level, it fills 'holes" in the aura, re energizing it.

Psychologically, the qualities that Diamond imparts include fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude. It also pin points anything that is negative and requires transformation. This beautiful stone also clears emotional and mental pain, reduces fear and brings about new beginnings. It is also a high creative stone that brings about creativity and inventiveness.

Diamond treats glaucoma, clears sight and benefits the brain. It also helps treat allergies and chronic conditions and rebalances the metabolism. Traditionally, it was used to counteract poisons.

Hyssop Essential Oil

Hyssop essential oil grows mainly around a Mediterranean region and is cultivated in Albania, the Balkan States, France and Hungary. The Hyssop herb grows to approximately 60 cm in height, bearing slim, pointed leaves and pale blue flowers. It usually grows in warm, dry, hilly places especially on rock slopes and sunny meadows. For ages it has been knows for its cleaning properties by the Greeks and Romans.

Properties: Tonic, Sedative, Expectorant, Stimulating, Antiseptic, Hypertensive, Antispasmodic.

Circulatory System: Is excellent in regulating blood pressure and can be used as a tonic in states of weakness and during convalescence. It is also known to be beneficial for cardio vascular disorders.

Respiratory System: Good for respiratory disorders as it liquefies mucus, promotes expectoration and relieves bronchial spams. It is an excellent remedy for cough, catarrhal conditions, influenza and bronchitis.

Nervous System: It strengthens the nerves and aids relaxation.

Skin: Very good for bruises and wounds.

Emotion: Clears the mind, creating a feeling of alertness. Brings deep emotions into focus, producing clarity.

This oil is best used in lower concentrations as it may cause irritation on sensitive people.

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