Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Technique also known as EFT is based on the chinese meridian system; acupressure and acupuncture. This very simple technique was developed by Dr. Gary Craig and can be used to heal literally ANYTHING, yes I said ANYTHING in your life.

It is done by tapping on certain energy points in your face, body and hands to stimulate it and thus let the healing begin. A lot of doctors, nurses, psychologists and people who come from the background of conventional medicine are also using these techniques to help their patients. EFT can be practiced anywhere and by people of all ages.

Here is a link to get a free manual on how its done and some more information about EFT, but before you rush to see it, don't miss the video posted below. Happy Tapping!

EFT FREE MANUAL http://www.emofree.com/


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